Seeking Volunteers
The success of our band program relies not only on the talents of our directors and students but of the countless efforts and hours committed by parents and friends of the program. At our August parent meeting, we have signups for each of the major volunteer areas listed below. For more information or to sign up outside of that meeting, contact Kim Dutelle.

Marching Band Season
Help is needed throughout the year, but especially during the marching band season. Volunteers are called on to do everything from moving bleachers for the band to sit on during Friday game nights and moving equipment from the band room to the field and back, moving barriers around the parking lot for rehearsals, painting props for the show, and stuffing newsletters in envelopes. Other needs include:
Truck Crew
This includes loading and unloading all our marching band equipment on and off the truck and onto and off of the field during competitions.
Bus chaperones are needed to accompany the marchers and directors to and from competitions.
Uniform Distribution
Volunteers are needed in May to make sure students who will be returning won’t need new uniforms in the fall and in August to re-fit returning members who do and to distribute uniforms to new marchers.
Band Camp Meals
Volunteers are needed during the two weeks of band camp to bake dessert and/or serve lunch to the students and directors.
Color Guard Sewing
People who know how to sew are needed to help cut, iron, sew, count and clean uniforms and flags.

Fox River Invitational
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is a day-long marching competition that features some of the best bands in our area and is a fun day of music, marching and entertainment. Many volunteers are needed to make the day run smoothly for all our performers, directors, judges and spectators.
Program Ads
Our full-sized, glossy program is professionally made and contains information about each marching band program, ads from local businesses and “happy ads” placed by parents or friends to show support of their marcher or color guard member. Volunteers help businesses renew their ads from year to year and reach out to potential new advertisers.
Publicity volunteers help distribute posters to local schools and merchants in the surrounding neighborhood, mostly at the Shoppes at Fox Run and along Sunset Drive.
Event Day Volunteers
On the day of the marching band competition, we will need volunteers to sell admission tickets at front gate and hand out programs, sell tickets for the 50/50 raffle, help direct buses, equipment trucks and cars to their designated parking areas, monitor access into and out of the school and the field, work in concessions and help provide food and drinks to the judges throughout and after the competition.

All That Jazz
Our All That Jazz volunteers have a lot of fun planning and carrying out this popular event held at the Delafield Brewhouse in late winter or early spring. Help is always welcome before and during the evening in the following areas:
Soliciting and Collecting Donations
Recruit and Coordinate with local businesses.
Assembling Auction Baskets
Help put our auction items into amazing looking baskets to display.
Wine Raffle Coordination
Help collect wine & spirits, promote, and run the wine & spirit pull raffle during the event.
Brewhouse Decorating
Help to decorate our event location, and set up all the amazing auction items.
Event Night Opportunities
These include working at the registration table, selling raffle tickets for various items, selling 50/50 and “heads and tails” raffle tickets, working at the wine raffle table, presenting auction winners their baskets, collecting payments at the checkout table and cleanup at the end of the night.

Waukesha West Golf Outing
Volunteer help is needed annually in the following areas:
Solicit and collect donations
Recruit and coordinate with local businesses.
Registration table
Selling raffle tickets, selling mulligans, helping with hole events, selling 50/50.
Clean Up
Cleanup at the end of the event.